I am currently a postdoctoral fellow working at the Chair of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence at University of Augsburg.

I did my PhD at the Computer Human Interaction for Learning and Instruction lab at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. During my PhD, I was also an EU ITN Horizon 2020 Marie Curie fellow at ANIMATAS under which I was a visiting scholar at the Sorbonne University, Paris, France. I received my masters degree, under the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP), from KAIST, Republic of Korea. Previously, I completed my bachelor’s degree at NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences in Pakistan. 

My research interests broadly include human-machine interaction, social robotics, multimodal behavioral analysis, and machine learning applied in the fields of education and health care.

“While it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary”